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One Week Online National Workshop on Biblometric, Systematic Litrature Review and Meta Analysis

One Week Online National Workshop on Biblometric, Systematic Litrature Review and Meta Analysis

Date: September 17- 22th , 2023
Time: 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
Venue : Zoom
Last Date of Registration: September 16, 2023 ; 11:00 PM


1. Ph.D. Research Scholars & M.Phil. Students
2. Medical Professionals (MD-Community Medicine etc.)
3. Faculty Members


E-certificate, study materials, e-books & video recording will be provided to all registered participants.

Registration fee:

Rs. 800 (Including all Taxes)

Registration Form

For any clarifications, kindly contact
HumanBehavtic Private Limited, Lucknow
Mobile No.: 8931076896
E-mail: humanbehactics@gmail.com